
in Arusha, Tanzania

Background and necessity of the project

Doubling the population

From 2000 to 2020, the population of Tanzania almost doubled from 33 to 60 million inhabitants, and is forecast to rise to 129 million by 2050.

Low education

The population development in Tanzania highlights the urgent need for continuous education from pre-school to secondary school.

Low school enrolment rate

Despite compulsory schooling, the net enrolment rate is only a relatively low 85% (for girls alone only 50%) and a literacy rate of 77.9% (girls: 73.1%) for over 15-year-olds.

Necessary continuous school education

This also shows the low quality of school education in general. There is a lack of teachers, teaching materials and classrooms, etc.

The dtd kindergarten provides early childhood education.

High-quality early childhood education before compulsory schooling: a solid education ensures that young people can later make a difference locally and thus take responsibility for society.

Many problems ...

  • Despite economic growth, Tanzania is still one of the poorest countries in the world.
  • Lack of infrastructure
  • An estimated two million children between the ages of 7 and 13 have no access to primary education in Tanzania
  • Access to pre-school education is even lower
  • Half of the rural population and many city dwellers also have to make do without clean drinking water.

Further information about the project

Necessary continuous school education

Arusha is located in north-eastern Tanzania between Mount Kilimanjaro and the Serengeti National Park. A large number of children live here in difficult and poverty-stricken conditions.

Our local partners

The Catholic Church is providing the land for the construction of the kindergarten and the Usambara Sisters are running the kindergarten and the school that will follow later, which is already planned.

Transparency & project documentation

You can see the documentation of the project progress and a lot of further information on the specially set up dtd website, later with a link to the live cam on site. This allows you to follow the construction of the kindergarten from a distance and make suggestions and comments.

Kindergarten already realized

Planned construction costs

Planned floor plan

Project example: SPN School

Also implemented with “Four Stones for Africa”

Rainer Hertle, Managing Director SPN reports:

Bright children’s eyes

The shining children’s eyes and the beaming of their hearts confirmed our commitment dozens of times over!

Sustainable implementation

With the “Vier Steine für Afrika” association, we have an experienced partner at our side who ensures that every euro donated actually reaches the planned project. The implementation of the plan through to the finished school took place within a year.

Commitment of the Usambara Sisters

When we were able to inspect the operation and organization of the Usambara Sisters at the SPN school in Tanzania, we were more than impressed by the commitment and consistent dedication of the sisters.

Your contribution - our partner

Four Stones for Africa

Vier Steine für Afrika e.V. in Nördlingen supports this and other projects and issues donation receipts for the dtd kindergarten. The association has already built several schools in Uganda and Tanzania and is on the way to building more schools. Contact with the Usambara Sisters has existed since the 1980s.


Please transfer your contribution to the account of Vier Steine für Afrika e.V. with the reference “dtd-Tansania”, stating your name and address.


Your contribution will be used 100% for the construction of the kindergarten. All other costs incurred as well as the project administration are covered by the dtd.

RVB Ries eG

IBAN: DE37 7206 9329 0000 5268 00